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Overland tour of Ireland Highlights so far this season

We are halfway through our Overland Season for 2016 and what a season it has been. We have had so much fun showing guests around our beautiful country on their tour of Ireland. Here are a couple of highlights from our small group tours of Ireland.

Sheep in Ireland

1. Star Wars – The cast of Star Wars returned to the Dingle Peninsula once more to film some scenes for the next addition of the epic series. Even though the locations were top secret we had a great time trying to seek them out! We even caught a glimpse of Chewbacca visiting the local primary school to surprise the children! We didn’t manage to get a photo but took a very funny snap of a Princess Leia sheep!

2. Funny Comments from Guests – On every tour of Ireland there are at least a handful of unintentional hilarious comments from guests. The top prize this season goes to Marion from the US when she asked if the sheep in Ireland were wearing jackets!! ‘Oh how cute the farmer gave them little jackets!’ Thanks for the LOLs Marian, you were the star of this small group tour of Ireland.

Willie Clancy Music Festival3. Willie Clancy Music Festival – What a treat it was to be in county Clare during the world famous Willie Clancy Music Festival in Clare. On their tour of Ireland our guests enjoyed live traditional music sessions in Kenny’s pub in Lahinch and were taken to the dance floor to try a bit of céilí dancing.

4. Getting Sunburnt in Ireland – Our Saudi Arabian group had the best weather during their tour of Ireland. They were not impressed though. They told their guide that they had all packed rain jackets and umbrellas and were excited to get to use them!! Nobody took them out of their suitcases! They all left the Emerald Isle with a healthy Irish tan.

Cliffs of Moher wedding ceremony5. The Druid Wedding at the Cliffs of Moher – This was a treat for both the guide and the guests. When we arrived at the watch tower at the Cliffs of Moher a couple were being married by an Irish Druid. The ceremony was watched by everyone at the tourist attraction that day. The couple exchanged vows, bound their hands together and promised to love each other forever. Traditionally though these marriages are usually valid for a year and a day! The couple no doubt officiated their wedding at the town hall. It was a beautiful thing to watch and a first for our guide and a sure highlight for guests on their Irish tour.

Galway Arts Festival & Galway Raceweek Festival6. Galway Arts Festival & Galway Raceweek Festival – The Galway Arts Festival and the Races attract thousands of guests to Ireland’s culture capital each year. This years festivities catered for everyone young and old. During their overnight stay in Galway our guests managed to soak up the atmosphere of the festivals, enjoy the street performances and even took in some of the spectacular theater on show.

To get your Irish Adventure started, check us out on: